Last weekend I was on Block Island (my favorite place ever) with my friend Jill. We were playing in the water at the Mohegan Bluffs beach when she said to me “Do you ever just think about how lucky we are?”

I do often think about lucky I am. Usually it's when I’m in places like Block Island, on a boat in the Thimbles or traveling to a warm tropical destination in January. But, last Thursday I realized how lucky I am on a regular Thursday while here in, Wallingford, CT. I had this epiphany when photographing at Gouveia Vineyards (because, what better place to stop and reflect while looking at these views!?)

There are some nights where everything just seems to fall into place. The light is perfect. Hair and makeup and outfits are right on point. The temperature is just right. Everything just clicks and it helps me remember how lucky I am to be doing what I love, with great clients, in THIS beautiful part of the world. Right here in Wallingford, CT.

As the summer quickly comes to an end, I encourage you to take a minute to reflect on what makes you feel lucky and at peace in this sometimes crazy life of ours.
Check out this images of Mary Pokora and Jennifer Agro at Gouveia Vineyard.

Thanks for reading - Cindy Parker, Impressions Studio